The escargots are removed from their shells, simmered in a French white wine and herb broth, and gently returned to their shells. They are then smothered in a delicate garlic butter stuffing seasoned with parsley, shallots, pimento and a sprinkle of Guerande sea salt and pepper. Flash freezing captures all the flavour until released. Simply heat escargots in oven from frozen and serve in their original shells for a memorable gourmet treat.
Jenny’s Delectables are our new Gourmet Stuff’d Potatoes sold in store. Locally made in Calgary, these potatoes come filled with fresh ingredients sourced from local growers. We have a selection of flavours including: The Traditional, The Heat, The Classic and Fully Loaded Potato Skins. Pick up these cheese filled bites for a satisfying party appetizer or easy evening meal.
Jenny’s Delectables are our new Gourmet Stuff’d Potatoes sold in store. Locally made in Calgary, these potatoes come filled with fresh ingredients sourced from local growers. We have a selection of flavours including: The Traditional, The Heat, The Classic and Fully Loaded Potato Skins. Pick up these cheese filled bites for a satisfying party appetizer or easy evening meal.
Nothing says comfort food quite like pierogies! In stock now, are Pierogies from Jenny’s Delectables which are all-natural and locally made in Southern Alberta! With four flavors to choose from including: the traditional, baby fresh dill, the heat, and mushroom swiss, they ensure the satisfied feeling of comfort food.