25% Off Natural Beef Ribeyes & Striploins
From August 28th to September 4th, all three Urban Butcher locations will be offering our local and naturally raised Beef Ribeye & Striploin steaks for 25% off. Stop by Mission, Willow Park Village, or our newly-opened shop in Granary Road Market this week to pick some up! Both the Ribeye and Striploin steaks are raised locally without the use of…
Introducing cold smoked steaks to Calgary!
For the first time in Calgary, Urban Butcher is introducing cold smoked steaks. Smoked in house at Canadian Rocky Mountain Resort’s production centre, the cold smoked ribeye and striploin steaks will pack a smoke-filled punch at your next barbeque. The steaks are first marinated in a marinade that is free of gluten, then spiced with Urban Butcher’s signature Smoke House…
We are now part of the CRMR Family of Companies!
To our valued customers, Second to None Meats and Canadian Rocky Mountain Resorts are very excited to announce that Second To None Meats will be changing its name to Urban Butcher and receiving a face lift to its interior. CRMR has been a silent partner with Second to None Meats since 2012, but will now be taking on an active…